Home Inspector Iowa | Home Inspection 563-517-7815
A mobile or manufactured home inspection is similar to a general inspection, but it has some special areas of concern. So your mobile home inspection checklist will look a bit different. Not only do factory-built homes have different materials and fabrication methods, they’re more vulnerable to damage. To make the process extra complicated, some systems are neither visible nor accessible.
The inspector will come out to your property and do a visual inspection from top to bottom and inside and out of the following areas:
- Label or certificate indicating the home’s age
- Electrical wiring issues including GFCI protection
- Location of meter
- Proper electrical grounding for factory-built home
- DIY electrical updates and repairs
- Insulation
- Ducts
- Water in the crawl space
- Bulging membrane under the home indicating a trapped leak
- Water Heater
- Plumbing
- Electrical
- Exterior
- Interior
- Design and condition of foundation / piers
- Improper pier shims
- Bent or damaged I-beams
- Skirting
- Presence, condition and installation methods of hurricane straps or tie-downs
- Water sealed seams on roofing, exterior wall sheathing and penetrations such as doors and windows
- Improper wood-burning appliances, furnaces or stoves
- Independent structural support for additions
- Separations between additions and the mobile or manufactured home
- Interior and attic leaks along home addition seams
A manufactured home inspection is a must when buying your future home. Let us give you the peace of mind of buying a safe and reliable home. Give us a call today!
Home Inspector Iowa | Home Inspection 563-517-7815